unknownYou can upload your picture, while connecting the cube to the computer and setting it up in RFC.


Serial no.: PSC01DC05876_0
Player created: 2017/1
Last upload score: 2021/12
Hall of Fame: 16. place (41739 points)
All players on the same cube are here .
Country:Czech Republic
About me:Futuro kostka mě baví, hraju si s ní už 4 roky.
Participation in games:
 GameRankContribution to HOFScore
iconAnimal Memory v1.12.icon9801 
2:11.300, 1, Level: 3 2020/4
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iconCubris v1.025.5776 
4896, 20:20, Level: 3 2019/3
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iconGravity Challenge v1.012.7921 
13:20.500, 262 2021/12
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iconLights out cube v1.232.4761 
0:16.300, 22, Level: 1 2019/5
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iconRing Dream v1.023.6084 
3:00.200, 236 2021/12
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iconRoad Runner v1.0135. 
709 2017/2
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iconSnake v1.015.7396 
2086, Level: 8 2019/5
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Participation in tournaments: