

Serial no.: PSC01DC11057_0
Player created: 2018/1
Last upload score: 2019/3
Hall of Fame: 3. place (114787 points)
All players on the same cube are here .
City:Jungles of southern Madagascar
About me:Hi. Yeah, I noticed that part and then went offline for a while, or it least didnt check this. That's because Im prepping for another cube competition slated to take place in three weeks or so. The top scores for roadrunner - I can't imagine how they get that far *shakes head*. Anyway, offhand congratulations on getting first place once more, I don't know what I am going to do about that. Two thousand points... you left me in the dust :D PS - looks like I'm going to have to be practicing road runner to do so, ugh
Participation in games:
 GameRankContribution to HOFScore
iconAnimal Memory v1.18.8649 
2:26.400, 2, Level: 3 2018/10
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iconBelt Cube v1.13.icon9604 
1:26.100, 160 2018/10
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iconCubris v1.07.8836 
12792, 29:13, Level: 4 2018/10
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iconGravity Challenge v1.022.6241 
35:51.600, 351 2018/10
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iconGravity Puzzle v1.012.7921 
3:33.900, 204 2018/8
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iconLights out cube v1.25.9216 
0:09.200, 7, Level: 3 2018/8
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iconOh Cube v1.13.icon9604 
1:02.200, 57 2018/8
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iconRing Dream v1.05.9216 
1:34.900, 204 2018/1
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iconRoad Runner v1.082.361 
1037 2018/1
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iconRubiks cube v1.38.8649 
0:57.700, 57 2019/3
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iconSnake v1.07.8836 
2642, Level: 7 2018/10
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iconSuperbelt Cube v1.14.icon9409 
32:34.900, 2385 2018/8
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iconTwister Cube v1.07.8836 
22:49.400, 349 2019/3
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iconWring Cube v1.14.icon9409 
3:03.200, 251 2018/8
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Participation in tournaments: